Connect3D X800XL
1. Introduction
Connect3D is a manufacturer of graphics cards for the PC industry
and a long time certified partner of ATI. From the Radeon 7000 to the latest
X850 cards, Connect3D has always been present with competitive prices,
top-notch products and excellent support.
The X800XL is a recent addition to the graphics card market from ATi. The cards are supposedly situated between the X800 PRO and X800 XT as far as performance is concerned. It is available for both AGP and PCI-Express architectures, so fortunately rumours of ATi abandoning the AGP project were just rumours and nothing more.
The X800XL is targeting the mid-to-high end market and offers high performance but at a lower cost than the very expensive X800XT.
- Packaging/Bundle
Connect3D's implementation of the X800XL, ships as expected in the simplest of packages. The package is barely large enough to contain the much larger than ordinary card and the included accessories. The XL, 256MB, VIVO and AGP4X/8X logos are printed on a sticker on the front of the package.
Just as with the previous Connect3D cards we've reviewed, no bundle is included along with the X800XL. The only software found inside the box is a CD-ROM with ATi's Radeon drivers.
Apart from that though, inside the box you will also find one VGA to DVI adaptor, one 9-pin HDTV cable and a 4-in-1 VIVO cable.