Crucial P2 Nvme 500GB
2. Performance - Page 1
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- Performance - Page 1
Before we start our tests, we can get some info for the drive via the Crucial Storage Executive software
The drive is brand new and has the latest firmare installed. Lets start our tests. The advertised reading/writing speeds are around 2.3MB/sec and 900Kb/s respectively. At this review we will examine what users should expect from this entrty level drive.
While HDTach is a rathe "old" software, it allows to examine the whole capacity of the drive. At this test it gives a rather strange result, indicating the writing speed above the reading speed. For sure writing speeds will "suffer" at an entry level product however the P2 seems to perform better than its specs.
Next we used ATTO Disk Benchmark, at the v2.00 and 4.00 builds. Both software use some kind of caching but for sure the reported performance is very high for the P2 drive.
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