Dreamcast DVD Player into E3 2000 show!
"...Well, we’ve all heard Sega boldly state that the Dreamcast would indeed offer its own DVD solution, but until today, we had nothing in the way of cold-hard(ware) facts. However, while walking though Sega’s monster of a booth, we got a look at several hot little numbers, including what Sega labeled the Dreamcast DVD player.
What appeared to be a stand-alone unit, the player on display was silver in color, and roughly half the thickness of a normal DVD component and had a funky transparent orange cover on the top, as well as a shiny Dreamcast logo on the front of the player..." NULL
What appeared to be a stand-alone unit, the player on display was silver in color, and roughly half the thickness of a normal DVD component and had a funky transparent orange cover on the top, as well as a shiny Dreamcast logo on the front of the player..." NULL