Google Applies For .google, .youtube Domain Names
Google has applied for its own top-level domains including .google and .youtube under ICANN's program that expand the number of Web suffixes beyond the commonly used.
Chief Internet Evangelist Vint Cerf said that Google are related to Google's trademarks, like .google;
domains related to Google's core business, like .docs;
domains such as .youtube; along with
domains that have interesting and creative potential, such as .lol.
The applications were made under the program run by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that manages the Internet's address system.
"We're just beginning to explore this potential source of innovation on the Web," Cerf said. "By opening up more choices for Internet domain names, we hope people will find options for more diverse - and perhaps shorter - signposts in cyberspace."
Google will make security and abuse protection a high priority with its new top-level domains, and will work with brand owners on protection mechanisms, Cerf added.
ICANN approved the domain expansion last year in a move to spur online innovation.
The applications were made under the program run by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the nonprofit organization that manages the Internet's address system.
"We're just beginning to explore this potential source of innovation on the Web," Cerf said. "By opening up more choices for Internet domain names, we hope people will find options for more diverse - and perhaps shorter - signposts in cyberspace."
Google will make security and abuse protection a high priority with its new top-level domains, and will work with brand owners on protection mechanisms, Cerf added.
ICANN approved the domain expansion last year in a move to spur online innovation.