Google Wants To Get Your Home Phone On Google Fiber
If you are still using a landline at home, Google is offering a new home phone service called Google Fiber Phone. For $10/month, you get unlimited local and nationwide calling, and the same rates as Google Voice for international calls. You can keep your old phone number, or pick a new one. You can use call waiting, caller ID, and 911 services just as easily as you could before. Fiber Phone can also make it easier to access your voicemail - the service will transcribe your voice messages for you and then send as a text or email.
Your Fiber Phone number lives in the cloud, which means that you can use it on almost any phone, tablet or laptop. It can ring your landline when you’re home, or your mobile device when you’re on-the-go.
Google will introduceFiber Phone in a few areas to start. Over time, the comany plans to roll out Fiber Phone as an option to residential customers in all of the Fiber cities.
Google isn't the only company trying to keep landlines around. Virtually every major satellite and cable provider, as well as the telecoms, offer similar phone services, though few are as inexpensive as the Fiber Phone.