It's real! The first DreamCast backup image now floats around the net!
As you all remember we had posted a rumour about a possible DreamCast backup this week! Our info was correct and here is the first DreamCast game release from Utopia group. Reading the utopia info you will see that:
1) As we had said ripped Dreamcast games can fit in 74CDs since they had modified the file system
2) You cannot do a GD-Rom -> CD-R direct copy
3) You cannot rip your own image files since they uses special hardware
4) You must discjuggler for burning the boot disc, and for games, CDRWin or any other burning program that can process .bin files.
- Info from Dead or Alive 2 release:
"..We don΄t need to tell you what DEAD OR ALIVE 2 is, do we? It΄s a nice BEAT΄em UP for your lovely DC. And it΄s the first copyable release ever. Make sure to use only with our previously released BootCD, and recognize that NO additional Hardware changes are required! You can do as many copies of this image as you want using your favourite CDRWIN, but don΄t expect to do your own copies! Still we decided what game will be published to the masses! Who ever will come next, always keep in mind: You are only immitating, next time innovate :).."
And here is the info from the BootDisk release:
"..Finally, though noone really expected it, we made your dreams come true: Dreamcast BootCD V1.1. Boot copies and imports on a NON-chipped (!) standard consumer model.
- switch off, insert BootCD into Dreamcast and switch on again
- Wait until the Utopia introscreen comes up, then open door and insert either Import-GD or copied CD. Close door again.
- Wait until spinning disc comes up; game will be loaded automatically
- do ONLY (!) use DiscJuggler to burn this image (standard blank)
- do ONLY (!) use DiscJuggler to copy this CD
Sorry for any inconviniences, but standard CDRWIN is not really capable neither creating nor imaging the CD.
Copies so far available:
- Dead or Alive II (about to be released within the next few hours)
- Soul Calibur
- F1 GP
- Resident Evil Code Veronica.." NULL
1) As we had said ripped Dreamcast games can fit in 74CDs since they had modified the file system
2) You cannot do a GD-Rom -> CD-R direct copy
3) You cannot rip your own image files since they uses special hardware
4) You must discjuggler for burning the boot disc, and for games, CDRWin or any other burning program that can process .bin files.
- Info from Dead or Alive 2 release:
"..We don΄t need to tell you what DEAD OR ALIVE 2 is, do we? It΄s a nice BEAT΄em UP for your lovely DC. And it΄s the first copyable release ever. Make sure to use only with our previously released BootCD, and recognize that NO additional Hardware changes are required! You can do as many copies of this image as you want using your favourite CDRWIN, but don΄t expect to do your own copies! Still we decided what game will be published to the masses! Who ever will come next, always keep in mind: You are only immitating, next time innovate :).."
And here is the info from the BootDisk release:
"..Finally, though noone really expected it, we made your dreams come true: Dreamcast BootCD V1.1. Boot copies and imports on a NON-chipped (!) standard consumer model.
- switch off, insert BootCD into Dreamcast and switch on again
- Wait until the Utopia introscreen comes up, then open door and insert either Import-GD or copied CD. Close door again.
- Wait until spinning disc comes up; game will be loaded automatically
- do ONLY (!) use DiscJuggler to burn this image (standard blank)
- do ONLY (!) use DiscJuggler to copy this CD
Sorry for any inconviniences, but standard CDRWIN is not really capable neither creating nor imaging the CD.
Copies so far available:
- Dead or Alive II (about to be released within the next few hours)
- Soul Calibur
- F1 GP
- Resident Evil Code Veronica.." NULL