Microsoft Announces Simplygon Cloud for Mixed Reality Development
Microsoft is launching Simplygon Cloud on Azure Marketplace, a platform that reduces complexity in the creation and extensibility of 3D models through optimization.
Powered by the technology Microsoft gained with the acquisition of Sweedish Simplygon and Microsoft Azure, Simplygon supports GLTF, FBX and OBJ file types for ingestion; rendering engines including Unity 3D and Unreal Engine; and all major mixed reality platforms, including Windows Mixed Reality, iOS and Android.
Historically, 3D asset optimization has taken days or weeks of manual effort and is one of the tasks that artists and developers dislike the most. With Simplygon, Microsoft says you can create 3D assets once - at full visual fidelity - and automatically optimize them to render smoothly on any platform - within minutes.
Simplygon Cloud is now available in the Azure Marketplace. To get started, visit our Azure Marketplace home to learn how to deploy the Simplygon Cloud virtual machine and start optimizing your 3D assets.