Miro 4 Open-Source Desktop Media Player Supports Syncing With Android Devices
The Participatory Culture Foundation (PCF) today launched Miro 4, the next iteration of its open-source desktop media player that will allow users to manage music including iTunes libraries, videos, playlists and apps in one place and to sync these digital libraries with Android devices.
The software is free and now available to download for PC, Mac and Linux systems at www.getmiro.com.
Miro 4 is open browser, open network and will allow users to access, share and control their digital media while being free of proprietary constraints.
Additional features of Miro 4 include:
- Syncs with existing media libraries, like iTunes, upon installation and recognizes updates in these libraries.
- Comes equipped with Miro's video converter to ensure users have the ability to download and play almost any video or music format.
- Streams and downloads files to and from other Miro-equipped desktops on the same Wi-Fi network, allowing users to manage libraries on multiple machines.
- Allows users to purchase music, video and apps from virtually any online video and music store.
- Streams and/or downloads from any website that offers audio, video or torrents.
The non-profit PCF community created Miro 4, and with its launch will build upon its established two million subscribers while increasing revenue opportunities. Major supporters include the Mozilla Foundation and Open Society Institute and a large volunteer base.
Miro 4 is open browser, open network and will allow users to access, share and control their digital media while being free of proprietary constraints.
Additional features of Miro 4 include:
- Syncs with existing media libraries, like iTunes, upon installation and recognizes updates in these libraries.
- Comes equipped with Miro's video converter to ensure users have the ability to download and play almost any video or music format.
- Streams and downloads files to and from other Miro-equipped desktops on the same Wi-Fi network, allowing users to manage libraries on multiple machines.
- Allows users to purchase music, video and apps from virtually any online video and music store.
- Streams and/or downloads from any website that offers audio, video or torrents.
The non-profit PCF community created Miro 4, and with its launch will build upon its established two million subscribers while increasing revenue opportunities. Major supporters include the Mozilla Foundation and Open Society Institute and a large volunteer base.