Motorola Wins Round Patent Battle With Apple
The Mannheim regional court in Germany court on Friday upheld a decision banning Apple "push" emails in its iCloud and MobileMe services in Germany, ruling in favor of Motorola Mobility.
The court found that Apple's iCloud and MobileMe services breached the patents on the technology held by Motorola Mobility and it ordered Apple to pay damages to Motorola, but did not specify the amount.
Last February, the Mannheim court had granted Motorola's request to permanently ban Apple's push e-mail services, a key feature of its iCloud offering.
An Apple spokeswoman said the company disagreed with the German court and would appeal.
Apple has previously said it could get around the suspension of push services by adjusting their settings so that devices download new email at regular intervals.
Last February, the Mannheim court had granted Motorola's request to permanently ban Apple's push e-mail services, a key feature of its iCloud offering.
An Apple spokeswoman said the company disagreed with the German court and would appeal.
Apple has previously said it could get around the suspension of push services by adjusting their settings so that devices download new email at regular intervals.