Panasonic starts licensing program for the new “MPEG-2 Encoder5”
Matsushita Electric Industrial starts the licensing program of the new version MPEG-2 Encoder5, the software encoder engine for PC which compresses image and voice data into MPEG-2. Licensing starts from June 13, 2003.
The MPEG-2 Encoder5 is improved over the previous version in terms of encoding speed and quality by adopting of the original high precision motion search / prediction algorithm. Moreover, it adds to the conventional DVD-Video standard conformity.
In addition to personal computer related markets for individuals, such as personal computer peripheral equipment, and picture edit, DVD authoring software, Panasonic will develop the license of this product positively as an engine for loading to application software or a system towards business-use system markets, such as picture edit and accumulation distribution.
In addition to personal computer related markets for individuals, such as personal computer peripheral equipment, and picture edit, DVD authoring software, Panasonic will develop the license of this product positively as an engine for loading to application software or a system towards business-use system markets, such as picture edit and accumulation distribution.