Philips DVDRW885K DL
7. DAE Tests
Review Pages
2. Data CD Reading Tests
3. Error Correction Tests
4. DVD reading tests
5. DVD Error Correction Tests
6. Protected Disc Tests
7. DAE Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing Quality Tests - 3T Jitter Tests
10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. KProbe PI/PIF quality results
13. KProbe PI/PIF quality results for DL
14. Booktype Feature
15. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 1
16. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 2
17. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 3
18. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 4
19. DL Compatibility Tests
20. Conclusion
Philips DVDRW885K Double Layer - Page 7
DAE Tests
- Pressed and CDR AudioCD results
The Philips DVDRW885K supports 40x maximum reading DAE speed with CAV reading strategy.
Nero CDSpeed shows that the drive surpassed the specifications. The test finished with a maximum DAE speed of 42.8x plus very good seek times.
To test the ripping speed of the DVDRW885K, we ripped the contents of the same audio disc to our hard disk, using the CDDAE software. For CD-R media we used a clone of the pressed disc.
The ripping speed seems to be faster with the older drive.
- Support of 90/99mins AudioCDs
The Philips drive managed to rip the contents of our 90/99min test discs successfully.
- Reading/Ripping Protected AudioCDs
For this test procedure, we used two audio discs with different audio protection schemes. We tested for both recognition and ripping to the hard disk. The software used was Exact Audio Copy.
* Pressed Audio disc protected by Sony Key2Audio (Celine Dion - New Day Has Come)
* Pressed Audio disc protected by Cactus Data Shield 200 (Natalie Imbruglia - White Lilies Island)
Key2Audio |
CDS200 |
Philips DVDRW885K
Philips DVDRW824P
OK with some problems
The DVDRW885K model managed to playback and rip the contents of both protected audio discs without problems, while the DVDR824P had problems with CDS200 files during playback where it produced muting and skip errors.
- Cactus Data Shield 200.0.4 - 3.0 build 16a (Aiko Katsukino - The Love Letter)
CDS 200.0.4 - 3.0 build
Philips DVDRW885K
Review Pages
2. Data CD Reading Tests
3. Error Correction Tests
4. DVD reading tests
5. DVD Error Correction Tests
6. Protected Disc Tests
7. DAE Tests
8. CD Recording Tests
9. Writing Quality Tests - 3T Jitter Tests
10. C1 / C2 Error Measurements
11. DVD Recording Tests
12. KProbe PI/PIF quality results
13. KProbe PI/PIF quality results for DL
14. Booktype Feature
15. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 1
16. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 2
17. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 3
18. 885K vs. SA300 - Page 4
19. DL Compatibility Tests
20. Conclusion