Samsung 970 PRO 512GB SSD review
6. Anvil Pro
The Anvil Pro software tests transfer speeds as well as IOPS. The IOPS tests can be configurable with preset testing scenarios for read (Seq 4MB, 4K, 4K QD4, 4K QD16, 32K and 128K), write (Seq 4MB, 4K, 4K QD4, 4K QD16) and mixed IO.
We used the software with the Crucial SSD and tested the drive with 0-fill compression (RAW), 8% compression, 25% compression, 46% compression, 67% compression and finally 100 % (incompressible data).
The Samsung 970 PRO SSD got the highest overall score in the application profile test (46% compression), as a result of the drive's top scores in both the read and write tests:
Below you see that the 970 PRO has the lead over the rest SSDs in both the read and write tests: