Sanyo ML Combo Chipset
Sanyo's ML Combo Chipset
Sanyo developed a new IC chipset for the ML recording format. The new chipset supports both CD/ML recording and DVD-ROM playback support. As Sanyo states: "...SANYO's ML combo drive system chip set combines, on an integrated single chip, a DVD-ROM decoder with SANYO technologies perfected over years of experience developing CD-ROM and CD-R/RW ICs and supports our customers development of ML combo drive product lines..."
There are at least 3 new chipsets "LC898050" (for ML format), "LC898010" (LSI chipset for DVD/CD/ML formats) and the "LV16XX" (front-end Processor) that assembles a ML-combo system chipset:
Sanyo's goals are to:
A) Pursuit of new writing technology
The new chipsets allow ML (multi level) support which allows 2GB CD-ROM recording.
B) Pursuit of performance
• CD: 48× playback, 32× write
• DVD: 16× playback
• ML: Equivalent to 36× CD
C) Pursuit of cost performance
Progress in increased integration levels.
Achieving an optimal chip structure for ML combo systems
Sanyo's LC898010
The new Sanyo chipset supports CD/DVD playback and CD/ML recording in a single-chip. The chipset's main features are listed below:
- Supports 48× CD-ROM decoding, 32× CD-ROM encoding,
and 16× DVD decoding when a 33.8688 MHz clock is used.
- Built-in ML interface
- Supports BURN-Proof
- ATAPI Interface
- Pit & wobble CLV and CAV servo functions
- Built-in digital servo
- Subcode encoding and decoding functions
- Write strategy functions
- CAV functions
- Direct memory access (DMA)
- Built-in 16-Mbit SDRAM
- Supports BCA (Burst Cutting Area) - Provides a unique physical
identification mark for individual DVD medium. This area is not directly addressable
by the user. An annular area within the DVD disc hub where a bar code can be
written for additional information such as serial numbers.
- Supports CSS (Content Scrambling System) - A system designed
by the motion picture industry, the consumer electronics industry, and finally
the computer industry, to prevent the illegal copying of content stored on DVD
Sanyo again developed a new series of chipsets that plan to boost up the recording performance. The new LC898010 chipset promises up to 32X CD-R, 36x ML-R, 48X CD-ROM and 16x DVD-ROM writing/reading speeds. The interesting is the adoption of CAV writing technology and the full support for DVD playback. Don't forget BURN-Proof technology that seems to be present in both CD/DVD formats.
You might wonder why so great attention for Sanyo chipsets. First you have to remember which manufacturers use them. Sanyo Electric and Plextor are two of the biggest drive makers that surely will use them for upcoming recorders. We have already posted the specs of Plextor PX-ML3630 but now we know that will support DVD-ROM playback (16X speed)! Also upcoming TDK's MLCDRW1000 recorder will use Sanyo Chipsets.
Since no official specs have been announced yet, it is interesting to see if the 32x recorders from Sanyo (CRD-1600P) and Plextor (PX-W3210A) will support DVD-ROM playback and/or ML format. Also the increased reading speed (48X) is another welcomed improvement.
One thing is sure. We haven't seen anything yet ;-)