Sony Unveils Games Coming Next Year On Playstation
Sony Interactive Entertainment held streamed another episode of State of Play, offering fans new reveals including the the April release of Predator: Hunting Grounds.
Capcom just had a banner year, but they aren’t taking it easy: Resident Evil 3 is officially official with a release date. And a new action game collab between Square Enix and PlatinumGames.
Like Resident Evil 2’s remake, the new Resident Evil 3 will feature entirely overhauled graphics and gameplay with a similar over-the-shoulder camera perspective. Additionally, Capcom announced that the asymmetrical four-versus-one multiplayer game Resident Evil: Project Resistance isn’t its own game after all; it’s a new multiplayer component (now just called Resident Evil: Resistance) for Resident Evil 3 that will be included with the remake.
Resident Evil 3 will be out on April 3rd, 2020, for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Paper Beast: Explore a Dreamlike Ecosystem in PS VR
In Paper Beast, the player will feel like they are the first explorer of a virgin land. The game leads you to discover fauna and flora made from origami paper, folded metal, coral… Some elements seem familiar, such as water and sand, while others are more surreal, such as the creatures.
As you go through the game, you solve puzzles and obstacles, discovering a lot of surprises. The creatures help the player progress through their journey intuitively, without a word, since the game’s narrative is non-verbal.
You share a common goal with these animals: to progress and evolve in this world. You’ll create a strong bond as you interact and travel together.
Thanks to the physical simulation of locomotion, the animals move as if they had muscles and bones. This technology is the core of the gameplay: the engine calculates the creatures’ movement in real time to allow them to react to all the player’s actions. Creatures will also adapt their movements to the terrain and the obstacles on their path.
Babylon’s Fall: First Gameplay Footage
Sonyu provided the first look at gameplay from the mysterious upcoming collaboration between Square Enix and PlatinumGames.: Babylon’s Fall.
More information about Babylon’s Fall is coming this summer.
Predator: Hunting Grounds Launching April 24th, 2020
Sony is bringing the Predator universe to both your PlayStation 4 system and PC next spring.
Hunting Grounds has been the inclusion of the female Predator. "She is agile, fast, and relentless. She is a huntress without fear and she thrives in the hunt. In the trailer we see her with a weapon that IllFonic created, the Yautja Bow. It deals massive damage to its prey and will pin the enemy to walls and other structures at death. She has access to the entire Predator arsenal as well," Sony said.
As far as weapons go, the Predator has off-world tech at its disposal. Like the bow and Smart Disc, the Combistick is another weapon that is super deadly. In battle, the Combistick extends to become a spear both useful in close combat or from a distance.
On top of choosing your own armor design, Sony created three Predator classes with different styles of play, strengths and weaknesses to select from.
You can play as a Hunter, the balanced killer, the agile Scout that can quickly stalk their prey, or the brutal Berserker that is strong and able to take massive damage.
Untitled Goose Game Coming to PS4 December 17
It’s releasing on December 17 and will retail at $19.99 USD — but with a special limited-time launch sale price of $14.99.
Dreams Will Steal Your Heart on February 14, 2020
Sony is officially releasing Dreams worldwide on Valentine’s Day, 2020 and the game is available for pre-order now.
Spellbreak Enchants PS4 in Early 2020
Spellbreak will be coming to PS4. And Sony is working on a beta that will be available to PS4 players in early 2020.
Spellbreak is a fantasy battle royale where you play as a battlemage, casting huge spells, combining primal elements, and literally flying through the world (or Teleporting, Shadowstepping, or a myriad of other movement abilities.). Guns and grenades can only take you so far and we wanted to explore something different, something that harkens back to the fantasy books that we grew up reading.
You’ll be transported to the Hollow Lands, and while you’ll want to explore every nook and cranny, don’t get too complacent; there are enemy mages around every corner trying to put an end to your journey. Go on quests, discover ongoing content, and experience the deep backstory and universe created around the game.
In Spellbreak, you can dual-wield magical gauntlets that each have two different abilities, giving you four active combat options and a myriad of combination possibilities. Runes provide powerful movement and support abilities to round out your magic arsenal. The balance of fast movement and numerous skillshot abilities creates a deep, skill-based combat system for players to master.
Use wind to launch yourself skyward or create a tornado that will pull your enemies in. Then light the tornado on fire or electrify it with lightning to ensure maximum damage. Grab a frost gauntlet to lay a path of ice that you and your teammates can skate down at super-speed or melt it with a fireball. There are dozens of spell combinations in Spellbreak and you will need to master all of them if you want to outlast your enemies.
Superliminal (or originally a prototype called “Museum of Simulation Technology”) is a surreal, dream-like experience that would keep players on their feet and thinking outside the box.
The game provides other optical illusion related mechanics as well. One of them is called trompe-l’oeil, which you probably know as chalk drawings on the ground that look 3D from a certain perspective. In the game, from the correct angle, 2D images can sometimes become real 3D objects.