Taiwan Mediatek says wins injunction vs VIA
Taiwan chip designer Mediatek said on Tuesday it won a preliminary injunction against VIA
Technologiesand AOpen in a U.S. court over an intellectual property right dispute.
Mediatek said the order by a Los Angeles court will bar Taiwan CD and DVD drive maker
AOpen and chip designer VIA from infringing on Mediatek's copyrights in its optical disc
drive controller firmware until there is a full trial.
Mediatek took VIA to court for alleged patent infringement last year, while VIA struck back with a counter-suit in June.
Companies are usually not allowed to export infringing products to the United States if they face a preliminary injunction, though Mediatek's statement gave no additional details.
Mediatek took VIA to court for alleged patent infringement last year, while VIA struck back with a counter-suit in June.
Companies are usually not allowed to export infringing products to the United States if they face a preliminary injunction, though Mediatek's statement gave no additional details.