Ubisoft Sues Apple, Google Over Distribution of Alibaba’s Area F2 Game
Ubisoft Entertainment SA sued Apple and Google LLC, alleging that the “Area F2" video game they are selling is a ripoff of Ubisoft's “Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Siege”
“Area F2,” created by Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd.’s Ejoy.com, is a “near carbon copy” of Rainbow Six: Siege,” Ubisoft said in a complaint filed Friday in federal court in Los Angeles.
Ubisoft claims that the Rainbow Six: Siege, or R6S, has 55 million registered players around the world and is played by more than 3 million people every day. R6S also is played by professional teams competing for millions of dollars in prizes in esports events.
“Virtually every aspect of AF2 is copied from R6S, from the operator selection screen to the final scoring screen, and everything in between,” the French company said.
Ejoy's Area F2 game became available to the public for download on mobile phones and tablets last month, according to the complaint.
Ubisoft said it has notified Apple and Google that Area F2 is infringing its copyrights but the companies have refused to remove the game from the Google Play and Apple App stores.