LG said Sunday it will start releasing its new Android-based smartphone in European and North American countries next week. The 3.2-inch Optimus One,...
Addressing the needs of the Small and Medium Business (SMB) market in the United States, LG today announced "SuperSign," a suite of digital signage solutions...
LG and Microsoft today signed a license agreement to collaborate on the development and marketing of the LG Network Monitor, a multi computing solution with...
LG today announced the LG A510, the first premium notebook offering cinematic 3D experience at near Full HD quality. The LG A510 features a 15.6-inch...
LG will hold a live and interactive virtual digital news conference on September 14th at 18:00 Korea Standard Time (09:00 GMT) to launch two smartphones...
At this year's Internationale Funkausstelung (IFA) in Berlin, LG will showcase a mix of home entertainment and business products as well as the SMART TV...