China has made its first supercomputer based on Chinese microprocessor chips. The new system, the Sunway BlueLight MPP, was installed in September at the National...
Acer has been awarded the contract for Taiwans National Center of High-performance Computings (NCHC) overhaul of its major supercomputer in Taichung, central Taiwan. Scheduled for...
The 36th edition of the TOP500 list of the world's most powerful supercomputers confirms the rumored takeover of the top spot by the Chinese Tianhe-1A...
Fujitsu announced that today it began shipping the computing units for Japan's Next-Generation Supercomputer, nicknamed the "K" computer. "K" draws upon the Japanese word "Kei"...
IBM has delivered a first-of-a-kind hot water-cooled supercomputer to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich). T The innovative system, dubbed Aquasar, consumes...
China's ambition to enter the supercomputing arena have become obvious with a system called Nebulae, build from a Dawning TC3600 Blade system with Intel X5650...
Lower electrical power consumption, not just greater data processing oomph, will help a new class of desktop supercomputers unveiled yesterday turn conventional industry logic on...