Taiwan develops blue-laser PUHs
Opto-Electronics & Systems Laboratories of the Industrial Technology Research Institute debuted Taiwan's first self-developed blue-laser DVD pick-up head (PUH) at an OES press event in Hsinchu, Taiwan.
The blue-laser DVD PUH conforms to the HD-DVD standard, the next-generation blue-laser DVD format developed by Toshiba and NEC, and will be initially used in read only DVD drives, according to OES deputy director Der-ray Huang.
OES will offer the PUH to interested local IC design houses and makers of optical discs for developing and testing of blue-laser DVD products, Huang said. Blue-laser DVD products are expected to become commercial in two or three years, according to Huang.
OES will offer the PUH to interested local IC design houses and makers of optical discs for developing and testing of blue-laser DVD products, Huang said. Blue-laser DVD products are expected to become commercial in two or three years, according to Huang.