Asus AX X800 XT Review
2. Test System
Review Pages
2. Test System
3. 3D Mark03
4. Aquamark 3
5. Codecreatures
6. GLExcess
7. Doom 3
8. Farcry
9. Unreal Tournament 2004
10. Hitman: Contracts
11. X2: The Threat
12. Halo
13. Tomb Raider : Angel of Darkness
14. Unreal Tournament 2003
15. Anti-Aliasing
16. Anisotropic-Filtering
17. Overclocking
18. Conclusion
Test System
Prescott Pentium4 2.8 GHz
CPU Cooler Prescott boxed cooler
Motherboard: Aopen EZ65-II
Memory: 2x256MB OCZ PC-4200EL Memory
Hard Disk Drive: WD800JD 80GB 7200RPM
PowerSupply: 350 V
Microsoft WindowsXP Pro Service Pack1
DirectX v9.0c
About the CPU limitation issue
After testing the same VGA card on different systems I found out that the CP limitation level is evident at less than P4 2.8GHz. So with the Prescott P4 2.8GHz of this system there is absolutely no limitation from the side of the CPU.
Benchmarking Software
- 3DMark03 Build 340
- Codecreatures Benchmark Pro v1.0
- AquaMark3 v3.0
- GLExcess v1.2
- Doom 3 V1.0
- Farcry v1.2 Built 1325
- Unreal Tournament 2004 v3186
- Unreal Tournament 2003 v2225
- Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness v49
- Halo 1.04
- Hitman: Contracts v1.74
- X2: The Threat Benchmark
Review Pages
2. Test System
3. 3D Mark03
4. Aquamark 3
5. Codecreatures
6. GLExcess
7. Doom 3
8. Farcry
9. Unreal Tournament 2004
10. Hitman: Contracts
11. X2: The Threat
12. Halo
13. Tomb Raider : Angel of Darkness
14. Unreal Tournament 2003
15. Anti-Aliasing
16. Anisotropic-Filtering
17. Overclocking
18. Conclusion