Asus P5W64WS Pro
11. Overclocking
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- Overclocking
The Asus P5W64WS Pro isn't advertised as an overclocking champion. Regardless, Asus provides all the necessary options for users to tweak their system and discover just how high they can go. As we saw in the BIOS page, the FSB on the Asus P5W64WS can go up to 550MHz. Our first experiment was to find out just how high we could push the FSB, without any voltage tweaks. We set Intel's E6600 internal CPU multiplier to 6x and got a stable system at 395MHz.
It's not as high as the P5B Deluxe which reached 430MHz with the exactly same components. Of course, overclocking depends on several factors such as CPU, cooling system and RAM.
We then tried to find the maximum FSB after setting the internal CPU multiplier to 9x and raising the FSB. We managed to get a stable system at 3.110GHz with FSB at 345MHz. While it's impressive, the P5B Deluxe was somewhat better managing 350MHz FSB.
Concluding our overclocking attempts, without any voltage tweaks we raised the FSB up to 400MHz. However, there are reports from our publications and forums indicating that the P5W64 WS Pro can go up to 470~500FSB (with the proper voltage tweaks and the selected CPU/RAM combination). The Asus P5B Deluxe can go at least that high, maybe even higher...
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