ASUS PhysX P1 Card
6. CellFactor - Page 2
The game in general was smooth without HDR enabled on our test PC (Core2Duo 6600, 2GB RAM and MSI 7600GT). The most impressive effects are shown below. And while you can get a quick snap of the in game action, you really need to see it in real life action. After shooting a device, it creates a warp effect, where all nearby items are "sucked in ", like a black hole. Notice the liquid effects too:
After getting a booster, the surroundings looks like you are warping. Flying high, while it lasts:
Despite the AGEIA PhysX P1 acceleration, there were times when the action seemed to pause for what felt like 1/2 of sec, due to the high number of explosions. The game was playable without PhysX acceleration enabled, however there were times when the FPS dropped down to 1~2. The average FPS with AGEIA PhysX enabled was 35 fps (as fraps reported), while with the PhysX card removed, around 11FPS. We do believe that Cellfactor shows the true potential of the Ageia PhysX card, and will be a big hit when it hits retail (around Q1 of 2007).