Crucial also Hit Epsilon's Email Database Leak
Crucial is added to the list of companies that were hit bt Epsilon's email database breach.
On April 4, Crucial was informed by Epsilon, a company the company use to send emails to its customers, that files containing the names and/or email addresses of some Crucial customers were accessed by unauthorized entry into their computer system.
Epsilon assured Crucial that the only information that may have been obtained was customers' names and/or email addresses.
"For your security, we encourage you to be aware of common email scams that ask for personal or sensitive information," Crucial said. "We will not send you emails asking for your credit card number, social security number or other personally identifiable information. If ever asked for this information, you can be confident it is not from Crucial."
Epsilon assured Crucial that the only information that may have been obtained was customers' names and/or email addresses.
"For your security, we encourage you to be aware of common email scams that ask for personal or sensitive information," Crucial said. "We will not send you emails asking for your credit card number, social security number or other personally identifiable information. If ever asked for this information, you can be confident it is not from Crucial."