Foxconn 945G7AD Motherboard
9. Intel GMA 950 chipset
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After removing our MSI 7600GT graphics card, it was time to see how well the integrated VGA card would perform. For all tests, we used the driver included in the bulked disc, version
Using Everest Ultimate Edition 2006, we see more information about the chipset:
And graphics capabilities. Both GPU/RamDac are clocked at 400MHz:
From the control panel, we can set various properties:
Then, we tried to fire up 3D Mark06 to see how the device would perform, however we got an error message:
SplinterCell: Chaos Theory, also refused to run
Prey managed to run at a very slow frame rate and with the lowest resolution (640x480) and/or lowest/highest visual quality settings:
PCMark05 awarded the on-board Graphics Card 1475 marks, rather low.
So you shouldn't have many expectations from Intel's GMA950, at least for 3D person shooters. On the bright side, we saw NBA Live 07 running just fine at 1280x1024 with all details maxed out (no AA/AF). So there are chances that some games may run smoothly, and others won't. On the application side, Word, Excel, PowerPoint will run just fine, Video playback is smooth too, but doesn't support any kind of hardware acceleration for ASP/AVC Mpeg4 content, so your CPU will handle most of the load.
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