HP8100 users can now burn 80min CDs ?!
".. If you want to make 80 min CD's then you have too read this Sony (crx100) has released a new firmware its version 1.0n but the good part about it is that this firmware Supports 80 min CD's. Now here comes the clue : >>The HP8100x and the SonyCrx100 are the same drives
BUT if you update the HP8100 with the firmware off the Sony Crx100 you can also do 80 min!. There are only 2 things that will change :
1) The blinking off the led will be different
2) The HP8100 will be renamed to the Sony Crx100 !!!! (but who cares at least it does 80 min !!!!)
Update : If you check in HP's support page :
"..All HP CD-Writers, with the exception of the 4020, 6020, 7100, 7200, and 8270 series drives, are capable of writing to this media with the included software (see table below). However, because of recent in-house testing, we have discovered that recording to this media can be unreliable. The manufacturing process for creating 80-minute discs is difficult, and reduces the track pitch tolerance necessary to meet Orange Book specifications. HP believes this reduces the reliability below HP's strict quality standards. As a result, created discs may be unreadable; therefore, we discourage using this media for storing critical information at this time. HP is unable to provide technical assistance on issues related to using 80-minute media. If you are experiencing difficulty with 80-minute media, please refer to the manufacturer of that media for support.." NULL
BUT if you update the HP8100 with the firmware off the Sony Crx100 you can also do 80 min!. There are only 2 things that will change :
1) The blinking off the led will be different
2) The HP8100 will be renamed to the Sony Crx100 !!!! (but who cares at least it does 80 min !!!!)
Update : If you check in HP's support page :
"..All HP CD-Writers, with the exception of the 4020, 6020, 7100, 7200, and 8270 series drives, are capable of writing to this media with the included software (see table below). However, because of recent in-house testing, we have discovered that recording to this media can be unreliable. The manufacturing process for creating 80-minute discs is difficult, and reduces the track pitch tolerance necessary to meet Orange Book specifications. HP believes this reduces the reliability below HP's strict quality standards. As a result, created discs may be unreadable; therefore, we discourage using this media for storing critical information at this time. HP is unable to provide technical assistance on issues related to using 80-minute media. If you are experiencing difficulty with 80-minute media, please refer to the manufacturer of that media for support.." NULL