IFA: Samsung Launches The "HumanFit" Wearable Platform
Samsung C&T, the fashion and trading arm of Samsung Group, debuted its own brand for wearable platforms applied to fashion items at IFA on Thursday. "HumanFit" is a new brand that stands for human fashion in technology. It encompasses all electronic devices developed by Samsung C&T's fashion division that are incorporated into its clothing and accessories.
Among the showcased items at the IFA was the Smart Suit 4.0 by Rogatis, its flagship menswear, that comes with a Near Field Communication (NFC) tag embedded in the sleeve button, an upgrade from the NFC-connected pocket in the previous line.
When it's connected to the mobile app designed specifically for HumanFit items, it can transmit the wearer's e-business card to another person's smartphone and also change the smartphone setting by detecting wrist movement, such as, to in-office or driving mode.
Another item is On Bag, an IT-infused purse with a build-in battery module, which allows the user to charge a smartphone without a cable and check the remaining battery. Samsung C&T said it plans to apply it to other accessories items.
The company also unveiled a NFC-tagged mobile wallet, which will be released on home turf this fall, along with a bio-smart shirt under development that will function to track the wearer's heart beat and respiration.