Iomega Predator USB CD-RW
8. Conclusion
Positive (+): |
Negative (-): |
- Portable USB drive |
- No anti-coaster technology |
The Iomega Predator defines a new way of portability - not the usual Jazz or Zip one, but the CD/ CDRW way. It is certainly not a great performer, but we think it is a fair value-for-money proposition. Even though it's great design and USB features will affect some users, there are more players in the portable recording playground. For instance the Yamaha 16x10x40 firewire CDRW which is a lot faster, but uses the IEEE1394 protocol instead of the USB one. One other thing that a user should consider, is certainly the ability of the drive to make working SD2 backups! This (and this only) is one reason I'd wanted a drive like this connected to my PC !
You must ask yourself if you really want the features (and the portability) that the Iomega Predator has to offer. If you are the person who is mostly on the road - consider buying it. On the other hand, the competition, already has to offer SimlessLink and 6x writing. The choice is yours, as always...