Logitec ships 8/8/8 USB CDR-W drive
"...Logitec announced the shipping of their latest "LCW-T1210BU" 8/8/8 USB CDR-W drive which also supports BURN-Proof technology from March 1st. The price of the drive is around 35,000 Yen (295$). The drive supports both Win9x/Win2k and MAC OS 8.6 - 9.1. Logitech has also another external USB/SCSI recorder called "DuoPort" but they also released this model in order to be cheaper (since it supports only USB connection). The drive uses TEAC mechanisms and weights 2.5kg. Last the attached CDR software is the "WincCDR Standard Edition", "MaccCDR, and last "PacketMan" (for packet writing)..."