Microtech incorporates 4X DVD-R recorders in automated publishing systems
Microtech Systems, Inc. is now shipping the latest in high-throughout drive speed technology in all new DVD-R publishing and duplication systems. Anticipating the latest 4x Pioneer model A05 DVD-R recorders, Microtech's engineering department was prepared, reacting quickly to push the performance envelope from the previous 2x speed configuration.
Adding this high-speed DVD-R capability increases the throughput of the 600-disc Xpress system to fifteen full DVD-R's per hour. Customers can now take advantage of up to forty (40) full hours of lights-out systems operation.
Microtech's CD-R and DVD-R publishing and duplication systems have always incorporated the latest offerings from our OEM partners. According to Dr. Mike Fallavollita, Chief Technical Officer at Microtech, "Our close relationship with vendors in the industry, vast knowledge in CD and DVD formats, and the capabilities of our in-house Engineering group allow us to quickly evaluate and incorporate new technologies."
Microtech's CD-R and DVD-R publishing and duplication systems have always incorporated the latest offerings from our OEM partners. According to Dr. Mike Fallavollita, Chief Technical Officer at Microtech, "Our close relationship with vendors in the industry, vast knowledge in CD and DVD formats, and the capabilities of our in-house Engineering group allow us to quickly evaluate and incorporate new technologies."