NEON 4in1 128MB MP3 Player
2. Retail Package
- Package
This is what you will receive, should you decide to buy the Neon 4 in 1 MP3
Player. As you can see, the sample we received came in dark red (personally
we would have preferred a blue one :-) ).
Let's open the package and see what's inside:
- Neon 128MB Player
- USB extension cable
- Necklace earphones
- CD driver disk (for Win98 Only)
- User manual (in English)
- 1 AAA Battery
Opening the box and taking out the Neon 4 in 1 MP3 Player, the first thing someone will notice is its size. It is very compact, and as can be seen from the picture above, it is slightly longer in size than a credit card! Something that will easily fit in a pocket. Despite its size, it looks very sturdy and solid. It uses one AAA size battery, and its total weight is very light at around 50 grams.
Also included is a pair of in-ear necklace headphones. Their quality is quite good, but there is a drawback that has to do with their design. As you will see in the picture, you have to wear the earphones as a necklace around your neck. The cable is not long enough, meaning that in order to use the earphones, the player must be hanging on your chest while listening. While its weight is negligible, some people could find it irritating, or they might have reasons to want to have the player hidden in a less exposed and probably safer place (like a pocket for example). You can easily solve this "problem" though, by just using another pair of earphones.
Also in the package can be found one AAA size battery, the USB extension cable and the driver CD. As we said in the beginning, no drivers are needed to access the player's memory, as it is recognized as a removable disk by Windows 2000/XP and any other operating system that supports this functionality. For older versions of Windows, like Windows 98, the driver CD is needed in order to be able to access the player's memory. The device is assigned a driver letter (just like a memory stick) with a capacity of 128 MB (or 256 depending on your model), that you can use to transfer music, store files, easily and transparently by using the Windows explorer interface.