New DVD music format offering 3D graphics experience
Imagine listening to your favorite song while laying down on a Hawaiian beach having a Hawaiian beauty fanning you with a palmtree leaf. All these (except the Hawaiian beauty) can be delivered at your home via a new DVD music format named Pure Pleasure 3D.
This whole new music format plays like a CD but adds 3D nature scenes to heighten the musical experience. 15 music and 9 environmental tracks are included in the DVD.
All scenes are true motion based offering the 3D experience without the need of 3D glasses which are included in the package.
Thomas Blakeslee, Producer/Director of Pure Pleasure 3D says: "I tried to capture peak experiences I have felt while listening to music in beautiful natural settings: Sitting on a beach at sunset or at the foot of a waterfall glowing in the sunshine. When the music resonates with the scenery you can feel the healthy rush of endorphins. With this DVD you can have these experiences daily, without having to go on vacation. Nature scenes and music resonate with our deepest feelings in a way that can be experienced again and again without seeming repetitous."
"I have kept it word-free because words can become annoying on repetition. I have also eliminated the unpleasant DVD convention of beginning with an FBI notice, animated logo and menu, Pure Pleasure 3D simply plays from track 1 like a CD. To select a specific track, you just press the menu key at any time."
A CD soundtrack version is also available. You can see some demo clips at www.attitudefactor.com/cd.htm
All scenes are true motion based offering the 3D experience without the need of 3D glasses which are included in the package.
Thomas Blakeslee, Producer/Director of Pure Pleasure 3D says: "I tried to capture peak experiences I have felt while listening to music in beautiful natural settings: Sitting on a beach at sunset or at the foot of a waterfall glowing in the sunshine. When the music resonates with the scenery you can feel the healthy rush of endorphins. With this DVD you can have these experiences daily, without having to go on vacation. Nature scenes and music resonate with our deepest feelings in a way that can be experienced again and again without seeming repetitous."
"I have kept it word-free because words can become annoying on repetition. I have also eliminated the unpleasant DVD convention of beginning with an FBI notice, animated logo and menu, Pure Pleasure 3D simply plays from track 1 like a CD. To select a specific track, you just press the menu key at any time."
A CD soundtrack version is also available. You can see some demo clips at www.attitudefactor.com/cd.htm