New HD DVD Promotion Group to Expedite Commercialization of HD DVD Hardware and Software
Memory-Tech, NEC, SANYO and Toshiba, proponents of HD DVD, the next-generation high-definition optical disc format, today announced that they will together form the HD DVD Promotion Group.
The group is a voluntary association, to promote development of HD DVD hardware and content, assure early product launches, and promote the widespread commercial dissemination of HD DVD hardware and software products in the marketplace.
HD DVD is the next-generation optical disc format for recording and playback of high-definition content. The disc adopts the same structure as current DVD, two 0.6 millimeter thick discs bonded back to back, assuring high-yield, cost-effective production of high capacity dual-layer discsan advanced version of the discs that have proved their versatility and popularity in current DVD. HD DVD format is supported by cutting-edge blue-laser technology, new high level data-processing techniques, and highly-efficient video-compression technologies.
The definition and standardization of key HD DVD formats have already made significant progress at the DVD Forum, the international association that brings together over 220 consumer electronics, entertainment, software and other related companies around the world, and that determines DVD disc specifications. Version 1.0 physical specifications for the read-only HD DVD ROM and for the HD DVD Rewritable formats are already completed, and the write-once HD DVD-Recordable (R) format has been authorized as version 0.9.
The HD DVD Promotion Group will facilitate proactive exchanges of opinions and information among hardware and device manufacturers and content holders, and organize joint promotions of HD DVD in support of the early product dissemination and market expansion. The Group aims to promote and support the continued growth and development of the global DVD industry.
As founding members of the HD DVD Promotion Group, the above four companies will establish a preparatory organization, and expect to establish the official organization in spring 2005. They will extend a widely cast invitation to join the new organization to content holders, component manufacturers, and hardware manufacturers. Membership provisions and organizational structures will be worked out in due course. The HD DVD Promotion Group will actively promote the HD DVD format at major exhibitions and seminars around the world and initiate diverse programs to encourage information exchanges.