Nokia Signs EUR 2 billion Frame Agreements With Chinese Operators
Nokia has signed three frame agreements worth a combined value of more than EUR 2 billion with China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom.
Under the agreements, Nokia will deploy technologies and services to improve performance in fixed and mobile broadband networks across China to meet demand as operators transition towards 5G.
Demand for the internet, particularly on a mobile device, continues to rise in China, the world's most populous country. China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom plan to deliver high quality service to their subscribers and will leverage products and services from across Nokia's end-to-end portfolio, through to the end of 2019.
Nokia will deliver technologies across China for China Mobile: radio access, core, passive optical networks, IP routing and optical transport, SDN, network management and professional services.
The Finish company will support China Telecom to improve country-wide 4G LTE coverage and hot spot capacity. Nokia will provide its end-to-end portfolio and solutions for China Telecom including FDD-LTE radio access, home CPE solutions, core routers, multi-service edge routers and optics as well as its services expertise. Both parties will also enhance 5G cooperation and accelerate China's 5G progress.
Nokia will also help China Unicom deploy technologies across the country including Nokia FDD-LTE radio access, Multi-access Edge Computing, virtualized IMS, SDN, IP routing and optical transport, and fixed network equipment. Working with Nokia, China Unicom aims to enhance network quality and capacity to grow its 4G LTE customer base, while researching and developing the expansion of IoT services and the evolution to 5G, including the use of artificial intelligence in networks.