The Origami Mystery Remains Unsolved
Microsoft may be unveiling its Origami Project, believed to be a consumer-friendly handheld PC, on the openning date of CeBIT.
The Web site dedicated to the Origami Project had hinted last week that consumers would be provided with more information on March 2nd.
"Hi there! Wondering where to find me? I am here and here...way up here... and down here...even here. I am everywhere you are , but never in the way. Find out 3.9.06.", teases the animation released today.
According to several speculations on the internet, Microsoft will be unfolding this new device or more details on the concept at the CeBIT technology exhibition. Is it a pure coincidence or not? March 9 is the openning date of CeBIT 2006, in Hannover.
"Hi there! Wondering where to find me? I am here and here...way up here... and down here...even here. I am everywhere you are , but never in the way. Find out 3.9.06.", teases the animation released today.
According to several speculations on the internet, Microsoft will be unfolding this new device or more details on the concept at the CeBIT technology exhibition. Is it a pure coincidence or not? March 9 is the openning date of CeBIT 2006, in Hannover.