9. Sony Drives
Sony drives current modifications
Convert the Sony CRX-120E/40E to HP9300
- Why attempt it?
The Sony CRX-140E supports 8x writing, 4x re-writing and 32x reading. The HP9300 supports 10x writing, 4x re-writing and 32x reading. If you convert your Sony CRX-140E to HP9300 you will have increased writing speed (10x). The worst that can happen is that your drive will become useless. There is however a trick to convert the drive back to it's original state. Read more below...
- How i can do it?
First you must download the following files:
- HP9310 v1.0c firmware
Sony dos-flasher (+ the 1.0n firmware) - from CD-R
Unzip the Sony firmware into a easy find directory ex: C:\FLASH. Put in the same directory the 9300_10c.bin-file. Now its time to flash. Boot from a disk, WITHOUT any CD inside or drivers. Go to the flash-directory.
Run the program like this: Updcrx21 9300_10c.bin /AT /M (Change the /M to /S if your cdr is Slave)
Shut down the PC. Reboot and check how the drive performs as an HP9300!
- I try to make the firmware hack and I am getting a "drive busy" error message. What i can do?
Are you sure that the recorder is empty CD? Remove any CD and re-try....
- I tried the firmware hack and the drive is broken/not working properly..How i can go back ?
First download this file and unzip all contents in a floppy disk. Reboot in pure DOS and type A:>d140e10n update.bin /M /2 /F /AT
/M = master
/S = slave
/1 = primary IDE chain
/2 = secondary IDE chain
/AT = AT bus
/F = Force?
Some additional information: "....I just tried several more attempts at flash upgrading my drive and eventually one was correct. I believe the setting of the parameters may have been incorrect. After trying several different combinations, I found this sequence worked. "d140e10n update.bin /2 /s /at". My burner was on the secondary IDE channel and was set as the Slave. the AT switch was required but the /f was not..."
Ok. I am interested in doing the upgrade..What i should expect?
As users report:
- Writing at 2x, 4x, 8x and 10x is working, the drive can't write at 6x (ok,
the "original" sony does the same before flashing).
- At 10x I can't write track-at-once, every time it failed with an mysterious
error. all other speeds are working with track-at-one.
- At disc-at-once there are no limitations, full sucessfull writing at 10x and
slower. no coasters produced at all.
- Overburning is not supported, but it can write 80min medias. The "original"
Sony does the same.
- The LED isn't working correctly anymore. That's because the HP9300 gots two
leds and the sony only has one. If you put a media in the HP it shows with one
led (like plextor) that there is a media inserted. the other led for writing
action isn't available at the sony device.
- It works fine however, read speeds are about 10x and it takes 3 times as long
to detect and spin up a cd in the drive.