Panasonic Stops Production of Liquid Crystal Display Panels
While Panasonic had responded to the tough competition and evolution in the business environment of LCD panels, and had taken various measures to shiftits market focus and introduce new products, it has determined that further continuation of the business would be unviable.
Specifically, Panasonic will end LCD panel production by 2021 at Panasonic Liquid Crystal Display Co., Ltd. (“PLD”, located in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture). PLD is a 100%-owned consolidated subsidiary of Panasonic Equity Management Japan G.K., which is a 100%-owned consolidated subsidiary of Panasonic.
With respect to current PLD employees, Panasonic says it will conduct labor management consultations to ensure their job security by respecting their wills, aiming to transfer and relocate them within the Panasonic group.
Panasonic consolidated IPS Alpha Technology, Ltd., the former PLD, in August 2008, and started production of LCD panels for televisions at its Himeji plant in April 2010. Panasonic established PLD in October 2010, and primarily focused on televisions. However, due to the tough price competition in the television market in the following years, PLD ended production of LCD panels for televisions in 2016, and shifted its focus to LCD panels for automotive and industrial areas.
Panasonic will focus on its B2B business following the end of production of LCD panels. The company plans to expand its business globally, especially the automotive and industrial areas in the device business by focusing on Automotive CASE, information and telecommunication, and factory laborcost-savings.