Playstation VR To Ship With Free Game Demo Disc
When PlayStation VR buyers plug in their headsets next month, Sony will be offering the new device with a free sample of eight games. The geames are the following:
- Driveclub VR
- PlayStation VR Worlds
- RIGS Mechanized Combat League
- Tumble VR
- Battlezone
- EVE: Valkyrie
- Wayward Sky
- Headmaster
Driveclub VR is part of the PlayStation 4’s flagship racing franchise, while PlayStation VR Worlds is itself essentially a five-minigame showcase of what the platform can do. Sony hopes RIGS will become a VR e-sport, and EVE: Valkyrie was one of the Oculus Rift’s biggest launch games.
It’s not clear whether you’ll be able to download these demos without the disc.
The $499 "launch bundle" - which anyone who doesn’t already own a PlayStation Camera or Move controllers will probably want - includes a full version of PlayStation VR Worlds as well as the demo. We’ll probably learn more about PlayStation VR’s launch lineup at Sony’s event latre today, where it’s expected to unveil two new PlayStation 4 consoles.