Primera Bravo Disc Publisher
9. Conclusion
Bravo Disc Publisher is a very attractive solution for easy and automated disc
publishing. The device combines quality printing and recording on CD/DVD media
and comes to meet the needs of the proffessional for mid-volume promotion, marketing
and presentation of his work. Bussinesses and all those who have a need for
in-house copying and printing of CDs and DVDs should consider Bravo as a reliable
The Publisher offers fast installation through plug and play USB2.0 and FireWire interfaces, is fully supported by Win2K and WinXP and the attached user-friendly software cooperates adequately with the main device, making the Publisher a powerful tool in the hands of the candidate user.
The retail package includes all the nessecary kits for quick understanding of the Publisher's operation, among with ink cartridges and connection cables. As for the performance, Bravo supports publishing of up to 25 CD/DVD discs per job, while the smart operation of the robotic arm offers competitive publishing times.
User can choose among the economic and fast low resolutions or the 2400dpi Photo-quality mode according to his needs. The 2400dpi mode offers high quality printings and realistic colors, and is appropriate for printing photos on the disc surface. On the other hand, the ink consumption should be considered as low for an inkjet printer.
Bravo Publisher is available in two versions with 40X CD-RW recorder or DVD-R/RW recorder. The CD Publisher is priced at US$1995 (MSRP) while the DVD Publisher at US$2495 (MSRP). More information is available on the Internet at