The real thing about Alera Technologies and S&F..
After our first post we got the following email which seems to clerify some thing that Aleka Techonogies are not the same company with S&F (but they are run by the same people as we prove below..)
"...We are counsel to Alera Technologies. Your Web site contains the following information: Smart And Friendly news...When an Internet user goes to that site, the following information is posted: "Many users will find this quite interesting: As we heard today Alera Technologies is Smart and Friendly. Smart and Friendly is now located under the new business name of Alera Technologies. You can visit their website at: http://www.aleratec.com. They are selling CD and DVD hardware and software. It's the same CEO and Marketing Manager as in Smart and Friendly.
Alera's Tech Support Contact information:
Technical Support
The above information on your Web Site is, in all material respects, false: Alera Technologies is not Smart and Friendly. Smart and Friendly is not now located under the new business name Alera Technologies.
The dissemination of false information on your Web site is illegal under federal and state law. My client's legal remedies include actual damages, punitive damages, interest, an injunction and recovery of attorney fees. However, we hope that legal action is not required..."
- Update:
As a viewer emailed us: "..Check out networksolutions.com's WHOIS lookup. You'll find that Aleratec.com and smartandfriendly.com are both registered to Perry Solomon..". We did and this is true. Now who can tell me that Alera Technologies are not affiliated with Smart&Friendly?? :)
- Update 2:
A) Here is an article from August 23, 1999, citing Mr. Solomon's position with SAF:
"..This is a pivotal development in CD-Recordable technology," said Perry Solomon, President and CEO of Smart and Friendly. "The CD Rocket Mach 12 will completely redefine what today's CD-RW solutions should be capable of..."
B) Here is a press release from Alera's website on November 13, 2000, citing Mr. Solomon's position with Alera Technologies:
"..Perry Solomon, president of Alera Technologies stated: "We have recognized the need to store and manage the rapidly growing volume of multimedia assets available to business, multimedia professionals, and video enthusiasts..."
C) MacCentral - June 16, 1999 -
http://www.maccentral.com/news/9906/16.cdrw.shtml Article Name: Fast CD-RW drive debuts with Mac compatibility
"..Smart and Friendly has become the manufacturer to offer the fastest CD-RW drive currently available on the Macintosh market, and the PC industry as a whole. The CD TurboWriter RW provides consumers with a choice," said Perry Solomon, president and chief executive officer of Smart and Friendly..."
D) ZDNet - July 2, 2000 -
http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2597858,00.html Article Name: End of the road for Smart and Friendly
"..In early April, Sanwa Bank threatened Smart and Friendly President and CEO Perry Solomon with foreclosure.."
Users can make their own conclusions ;) NULL
"...We are counsel to Alera Technologies. Your Web site contains the following information: Smart And Friendly news...When an Internet user goes to that site, the following information is posted: "Many users will find this quite interesting: As we heard today Alera Technologies is Smart and Friendly. Smart and Friendly is now located under the new business name of Alera Technologies. You can visit their website at: http://www.aleratec.com. They are selling CD and DVD hardware and software. It's the same CEO and Marketing Manager as in Smart and Friendly.
Alera's Tech Support Contact information:
Technical Support
The above information on your Web Site is, in all material respects, false: Alera Technologies is not Smart and Friendly. Smart and Friendly is not now located under the new business name Alera Technologies.
The dissemination of false information on your Web site is illegal under federal and state law. My client's legal remedies include actual damages, punitive damages, interest, an injunction and recovery of attorney fees. However, we hope that legal action is not required..."
- Update:
As a viewer emailed us: "..Check out networksolutions.com's WHOIS lookup. You'll find that Aleratec.com and smartandfriendly.com are both registered to Perry Solomon..". We did and this is true. Now who can tell me that Alera Technologies are not affiliated with Smart&Friendly?? :)
- Update 2:
A) Here is an article from August 23, 1999, citing Mr. Solomon's position with SAF:
"..This is a pivotal development in CD-Recordable technology," said Perry Solomon, President and CEO of Smart and Friendly. "The CD Rocket Mach 12 will completely redefine what today's CD-RW solutions should be capable of..."
B) Here is a press release from Alera's website on November 13, 2000, citing Mr. Solomon's position with Alera Technologies:
"..Perry Solomon, president of Alera Technologies stated: "We have recognized the need to store and manage the rapidly growing volume of multimedia assets available to business, multimedia professionals, and video enthusiasts..."
C) MacCentral - June 16, 1999 -
http://www.maccentral.com/news/9906/16.cdrw.shtml Article Name: Fast CD-RW drive debuts with Mac compatibility
"..Smart and Friendly has become the manufacturer to offer the fastest CD-RW drive currently available on the Macintosh market, and the PC industry as a whole. The CD TurboWriter RW provides consumers with a choice," said Perry Solomon, president and chief executive officer of Smart and Friendly..."
D) ZDNet - July 2, 2000 -
http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2597858,00.html Article Name: End of the road for Smart and Friendly
"..In early April, Sanwa Bank threatened Smart and Friendly President and CEO Perry Solomon with foreclosure.."
Users can make their own conclusions ;) NULL