Samsung Announces Annual Reorganization for 2015
Samsung Electronics announced its annual structural reorganization, which follows a December 1, 2014 decision to maintain the company’s leadership of three CEOs, who will continue their independent leadership of the Consumer Electronics (CE), IT & Mobile Communications (IM) and Device Solutions (DS) Divisions. Samsung hopes that the latest changes will further strengthen and enhance the efficiency of the company’s operations.
As part of these changes, Samsung's Media Solution Center (MSC) and the Global B2B Center (GBC), which had been responsible for content services and B2B business, respectively, have been integrated into related organizations, in order to increase the speed of their market response and decision-making processes.
Portions of MSC associated with mobile products have been integrated into the Mobile Communications Business, while the Big Data Center and other functions were moved to a number of organizations, including the Software Center. Meanwhile, the Silicon Valley-based Media Solution Center America (MSCA) will remain in place and focus on developing competitive services.
As for GBC, its sales operations and strategy function were integrated into the Mobile Communications Business and Global Marketing Office (GMO), respectively, as the company intends to catapult its mobile B2B business into an industry leader. The mobile B2B business will be reinforced with talent from within the Mobile Communications Business.
In the United States (US), the company’s two sales subsidiaries, Samsung Electronics America (SEA) and Samsung Telecommunications America (STA), will be combined into one, single entity, in order to increase efficiency and synergy. The combined organization will be headquartered in Ridgefield Park, New Jersey, the current location of SEA, with maintaining operations in Richardson, Texas. The overall organizational framework of the two organizations will remain in place. Meanwhile, similar functions within both organizations will be merged to increase operational efficiency.
Executive positions at the global headquarters vacated by the recent executive reshuffling have also been filled. Most notably, Executive Vice President Seokpil Kim, previously the Head of GMO and GBC, is now the Head of Strategic Marketing Office at the Mobile Communications Business. Executive Vice President Dongjin Koh, previously the Head of the Technology Strategy Team at the Mobile Communications Business, is now the Head of the Mobile R&D Office at the Mobile Communications Business.
Samsung's DS Division will see minimal changes. While the Memory Business continues its high-profit performance, the System LSI Business will focus on revitalizing its business operations.