Sanyo CRD-BP900P CD-RW
3. Data Tests (Pressed CDs)
Sanyo CRD-BP900P IDE CDR-W - Page 3
Data Tests (Pressed CDs)
Test Method
- CD WinBench 99 v1.1. This was used to compare the Sanyo CRD-BP900P
IDE CDR-W drive with various others CDR-W drives (see charts).
- CD Speed 99 v0.66 was also used to check the drive performance with
pressed CDs. For that test we used WinBench 99 v1.1 and PlexTools
v1.04 original CDs.
- CD WinBench 99 v1.1 results
- CD Speed 99 v0.66 results:
Verdict of data (pressedCDs) tests
The Sanyo CRD-BP900P IDE CDR-W drive performed slightly better than the SCSI model when reading the pressed CDs. It's average reading speed using WinBench 99 v1.1 was 24.13x and with PlexTools v1.04, a slightly higher 24.18x.
In the WinBench 99 test, the Sanyo CRD-BP900P got the worst overall WinMark value even though it had the highest transfer rate speed. It reached a transfer rate of 4.6mb/s and 2.39mb/s on the outside and inside of the disc, which are better than the SCSI model. It has a seek time of 144ms which again is better than the SCSI model. The CPU usage is also low (4.56%) since it is UDMA compatible. Overall the IDE model seems to win SCSI one in pressed CDs benchmarks.