Sibelius 8.2 Delivers Effortless Music Composition
Avid's latest Sibelius 8.2 music notation software is offering composers engraving and workflow enhancements to effortlessly create scores.
New updates to Sibelius 8.2 that make music composition even faster and easier than ever include:
- Re-spelling of notes in parts-It’s now possible to have the same pitched note have a different accidental in a part versus the score.
- Time signatures before repeat lines-By default, time signature changes now appear after the barline, but before repeat barlines.
- Slide and move notes and rests-Notes and rests can now be moved horizontally in the score, with new keyboard shortcuts that simplify the process, eliminating time spent cutting and pasting music around staves.
In addition, Avid has added two new Sibelius bundles. The Sibelius + PhotoScore & NotateMe Ultimate Bundle enables users to scan sheet music into Sibelius and handwrite music and notes using a pen and tablet. The Sibelius + AudioScore Ultimate Bundle enables users to turn recorded audio or live mic performances into transcribed music notation.