4. CloneCD Reading Tests
Review Pages
2. Data Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction
4. CloneCD Reading Tests
5. DAE Tests
6. Conclusion
Teac CD-552E IDE CD-ROM - Page 4
CloneCD Reading Tests
- Procedure
We used CloneCD and 4 original CDs - Serious Sam 2 (SafeDisc 2), Desperados (LaserLock 2), V-Rally 2 Expert (SecuROM 2) and NBA Jam Extreme (PSX) - in order to test the reading time of the drives. We also tested the reading performance with backups of the original CDs, since the reading speed varies between original and backup media. The following pictures show the drive reading/writing capabilities as CloneCD reports:
- PSX Pressed Media
For this test we used the PSX game 'NBA Jam Extreme' and we ripped the image to the HD with CloneCD. TEAC CD-552E finished the task at 205 seconds, which is the second worst performance. The best performance comes from CyberDrive 52X with 110 seconds.
- SafeDisc v.2 Results
The TEAC CD-552E is not the best reader for SafeDisc v.2 discs. The drive is extremely slow with the pressed disc (over 2hours) and needs 1h:20 min to finish the backup disc task. The fastest reader in this test was the Samsung SC-152L.
- SecuROM Results
All the drives can read SubChannel data from Data/Audio tracks. The MSI MS-8152 was the fastest drive either with pressed/backup discs. The TEAC CD-552E gets the second place in the test.
Review Pages
2. Data Reading Tests
3. CD Error Correction
4. CloneCD Reading Tests
5. DAE Tests
6. Conclusion