2. Introduction
Data Tests
- Pressed CD results: (Click to see the CD Speed Graph)
The faster drive is the ASUS with an average reading speed of 37.29X. The TEAC CD-W548E gets the forth position with an average reading speed of 36.28X.
The seek times of the drive were good compared with other drives, except from the Plextor PX-W4824A, which was the fastest drive. The CyberDrive CW088D gets the last position with a 104ms random seek performance. The previous CD-W540E series was faster by a 72ms in random seeks mode.
- CDR Media: (Click to see the CD Speed Graph)
With CD-R media, the TEAC drive still gets the forth position. Its reading performance was improved but is still slower than the other drives. The main reason is that the drive starts reading in a quite low speed (20.86X).
The seek times with CD-R media, were the high with a 117ms in the random and 210ms in the full stroke. The Plextor PX-W4824A still holds the first place.
- RW media: (Click to see the CD Speed Graph)
The drive supports the 32X (CAV) maximum reading speed for HS-RW format. That drops the average reading speed down to 25.64X, slower than the competitor drives.