Toshiba SD-M1712 DVD-ROM
2. Data CD Tests
Data CD Tests
- Pressed CD results (Click to see the CD Speed Graphs)
Toshiba SD-M1712A supports 48X CAV CD-R reading speed. The drive almost reached that speed by the end of the reading process, and gave an average reading speed of 35.88X. In the same test, Asus E616 was slightly faster with 37.17X average.
Toshiba reports that the drive supports 80 msec medium seek time for the CD media. The seek time we measured is 95 msec for the random stroke, 111 msec for the 1/3 and 164 msec for the full stroke. The performance is not the best in the test but is rather competitive since the other drives gave approximately similar results.
- CDR Media results (Click to see the CD Speed Graphs)
All the drives gave better results with the CDR media. Toshiba SD-M1712 gave a 36.09X average reading speed but speaking with numbers, the fastest drive comes again from Asus.
In the seek test, the results were not very different than in the pressed CD test.
- HS-RW media (Click to see the CD Speed Graphs)
For the RW tests we used Verbatim 10X HS-RW , Cyberdrive 16X HS-RW and Yamaha 24X US-RW media. The Toshiba SD-M1712 supports 48X CAV reading speed for the HS-RW format, and the average reading speed we got was 36.71X.