Twitter Introduces Stickers
Twitter is introducing #Stickers, a fun new way to add creativity to your photos and connect them to the world on Twitter. Soon, you can browse our rotating sets of stickers to join in on real-time conversations, and select from "the library of hundreds of accessories, emoji, and props to make your photos more fun," according to Twitter. Stickers can be superimposed on existing photos and images multiple times, resized, rotated and, finally, searched.
Though the search feature depends on people being able to tell the difference between a sticker and the background image that it is covering; tapping or clicking on a sticker leads through to its own unique timeline collecting uses of that sticker from across the social media network.
A sticker acts as a visual hashtag, and special collections could conceivably lend themselves to branding opportunities.
The ability to add stickers to your photos will be rolling out over the next few weeks for people using Twitter for iOS and Android. You will also be able to view and click stickers on