Toshiba Corp. on Tuesday named Corporate Executive Vice President Atsutoshi Nishida, who oversees its reviving personal computer operations, as its new president, taking over from...
Toshiba introduced a featured configuration (Tecra A4-S211) and a series of scalable options for the Tecra(R) A4 notebook series. The Tecra A4 can be configured...
Toshiba introduced the Tecra(R) S2 notebook series, the company's scalable, high-performance desktop replacement mobile computing solution. Toshiba's newest addition to the Tecra notebook family is...
Toshiba established a new standard for business mobility with the introduction of the Tecra(R) M3 notebook series. An extension of Toshiba's flagship business notebook line,...
Toshiba announced the introduction of a group-wide procurement policy based on corporate social responsibility so as to promote legal compliance and respect for human rights...
Toshiba and SanDisk unveiled an 8Gbit NAND flash memory chip fabricated with 70nm process technology with 1Gbyte data storage capacity at the International Solid-State Circuits...
Innovative Design Features Eight Synergistic Cores Together with Power Based Core, Delivers More Than 10 Times the Performance of the Latest PC Processors At the...
Toshiba Corporation and SanDiskCorporation announced an 8-gigabit NAND flash memory chip fabricated with 70-nanometer (nm) process technology that ushers in the new era of gigabyte...