Hello WEB!
DigitalDrives makes its debut in the midst of new exciting developments in the removable storage media industry
If you are already reading this commentary, then you are probably one of the (relatively) few selected individuals having the opportunity to take a closer look at the first public beta of a series of Web Services designed to offer more accurate info, insightful commentary and expert analysis of all the technologies that drive the optical storage media industry into new achievements in the beginning of this millennium.
It will probably take us a few more weeks to assemble the large part of the static content that this site intends to offer to its readers. The presentation needs some more fine-tuning and a lot of tiny things we tended to overlook in the past seem to require more attention from our part. In any case, we are now confident that we are in the position to offer most of what we have promised to our readers and our friends.
Keep checking this site periodically. I think you will be more than well rewarded :)
Sammy Volos, Contributing Editor, DD
It will probably take us a few more weeks to assemble the large part of the static content that this site intends to offer to its readers. The presentation needs some more fine-tuning and a lot of tiny things we tended to overlook in the past seem to require more attention from our part. In any case, we are now confident that we are in the position to offer most of what we have promised to our readers and our friends.
Keep checking this site periodically. I think you will be more than well rewarded :)
Sammy Volos, Contributing Editor, DD