Storage tech boffins to demo 140GB CD-ROM
"..US data storage specialist C3D will today show off a technique for creating a CD-sized disc capable of holding up to 140GB of information. Current CD-ROMs can store 0.65GB of data. Double-sided DVD-ROMs can hold 6GB.
C3D's system, dubbed FMD ROM, uses a multi-layer disc containing fluorescent materials as the active optical storage medium. Regular CD units operate by reflecting laser light off the surface of the disc to read. FMD (Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc) uses the laser simply to stimulate the fluorescent material to emit light.
But there's a snag: the system isn't compatible with current CD and DVD drives. However, C3D reckons existing equipment can be made to read FMD ROM discs with "minimal retooling". C3D is also working on a compact version of the technology, aimed at the mobile market, that squeezes a sliver of FMD material plus reader/writer hardware into a PC Card case.." NULL
C3D's system, dubbed FMD ROM, uses a multi-layer disc containing fluorescent materials as the active optical storage medium. Regular CD units operate by reflecting laser light off the surface of the disc to read. FMD (Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc) uses the laser simply to stimulate the fluorescent material to emit light.
But there's a snag: the system isn't compatible with current CD and DVD drives. However, C3D reckons existing equipment can be made to read FMD ROM discs with "minimal retooling". C3D is also working on a compact version of the technology, aimed at the mobile market, that squeezes a sliver of FMD material plus reader/writer hardware into a PC Card case.." NULL