Acer presents "Seamless-Link" anti-coaster technology
"...From the beginning of recording process , the CD Recorder must first load a certain amount of data into the buffer . The data buffer should always be capable of holding enough data to guarantee continual data recording on the CD-R/CDRW disc.
The traditional solution for the buffer under run problem was: Enlarge the buffer size to accumulate more data to prevent the error happened. But the Seamless Link technology is a new function which is developed to prevent the Buffer Under Run problem automatically by predicting them before they happen.
The working principle of Seamless Link was list as following:
- Monitoring the amount of data which buffered during writing.
- Stop the writing process and store the RecEnd address if there is any problem which causes the amount of data in the memory below a certain level
- Waiting on the Pause state and receiving the new data to fill the buffer memory
- Seek to the in advance of RecEnd address to find the exactly RecEnd point
- Re-Start the recording process NULL
The traditional solution for the buffer under run problem was: Enlarge the buffer size to accumulate more data to prevent the error happened. But the Seamless Link technology is a new function which is developed to prevent the Buffer Under Run problem automatically by predicting them before they happen.
The working principle of Seamless Link was list as following:
- Monitoring the amount of data which buffered during writing.
- Stop the writing process and store the RecEnd address if there is any problem which causes the amount of data in the memory below a certain level
- Waiting on the Pause state and receiving the new data to fill the buffer memory
- Seek to the in advance of RecEnd address to find the exactly RecEnd point
- Re-Start the recording process NULL